Copia Final

Promoting Latin American Fiction Films in Post-Production Stage

It is a selection of six recently completed Latin American fiction feature films, still unreleased, without premiere inside or outside their countries of production, and in search for sales agents, distributors and international festival programmers.

The films are directly invited by the curators of Primer Corte and Ventana Sur’s advisers.

In addition, Primer Corte films which –during the registration process– the section’s curators judge to be in a “close to completion” stage, and therefore may not need post-production awards, could be invited to participate in this section.

These films selected for Copia Final will be highlighted by showcasing them in the Market’s video-library and providing exclusive access to them through Cinando to producers, sales agents, distributors and international film festival programmers registered at Ventana Sur for up to one month after the Market’s ending. These films will also be showcased in Ventana Sur’s Industry in Progress Catalog.
